Professional translations for corporations
We provide a comprehensive portfolio of translation services – translations, proofreading,
localisation, sworn/certified translations, translation memory creation/management and other
related services.
We specialise primarily in translating corporate texts on specialised topics, including technical, legal,
economic, IT and other subjects.
Our translation services are provided in accordance with requirements of ČSN EN ISO 17100.
We translate into all common and rare languages, both in combination with Czech and in various language combinations without Czech.
Most commonly translated languages
Other translated languages
We also provide translations in languages not listed above.
Most commonly translated language combinations
Translations of specialised texts
We are experts in translating specialised texts.
We translate various types of technical documentation, manuals, legal and business documents, websites, etc.
Translations are always carried out by professional translators with the appropriate linguistic qualifications and knowledge of the relevant subject.
Most commonly translated subjects:
Most commonly translated types of documents:
Translations of specialised texts
We translate various types of technical documentation, manuals, legal and business documents,websites, etc.
Translations are always carried out by professional translators with the appropriate linguistic qualifications and knowledge of the relevant subject.
Nejčastěji překládané obory:
Nejčastěji překládané druhy dokumentů:
We provide the following proofreading services:
- Standard proofreading
- Stylistic editing
- Subject-matter expert (SME) proofreading
- Proofreading by native speakers
- Post-DPT proofreading
Proofreading is particularly advisable for documents that will be presented publicly in some form.
We would be happy to recommend the appropriate type of proofreading depending on the type and purpose of your text.
Types of proofreading services
Standard proofreading
Standard proofreading is basic linguistic proofreading. It focuses primarily on spelling, grammar,
punctuation and typos.
Stylistic editing
Stylistic editing focuses mainly on readability, comprehensibility, correct choice of means of
expression and clarity of the translated text.
Subject-matter expert (SME) proofreading
Subject-matter expert (SME) proofreading focuses on checking the factual/specialised accuracy of
the translated text and the use of specific terminology commonly used in the field. A glossary created
in cooperation with the customer is used.
Post-DPT proofreading
Post-DPT proofreading is the final revision of a translated document before it is printed or published.
In particular, the document is checked for completeness, order of pages, chapters, correct placement
of figures and legends, text wrapping, etc.
Certified/sworn translations
These are translations of documents intended for communication with authorities and state institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad and for corporate activities in international trade.
Formats of certified translations
- Documentary form (paper)
- Electronic form
Certified translations are done by court translators appointed in accordance with Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on Court Interpreters and Court Translators.
A document bearing the sworn translator’s clause meets the requirements of state authorities for official acts.
Listinný soudní překlad
Překlad je pevně svázán s originálem nebo notářsky ověřenou kopií a soudní doložkou, opatřenou kulatým razítkem a podpisem soudního překladatele
Elektronický soudní překlad
Elektronický soudní překlad je plnohodnotnou alternativou ke klasickému soudnímu překladu v listinné podobě se stejnou možností použití a stejnými právy. Je vyhotovený ve formátu PDF/A a je opatřený kvalifikovaným elektronickým podpisem překladatele s časovým razítkem.
Velkou výhodou elektronického soudního překladu je rychlost jeho vyhotovení a dodání – vše lze řešit e-mailem.
Certified/sworn translations
These are translations of documents intended for communication with authorities and state institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad and for corporate activities in international trade.
Formats of certified translations
- Documentary form (paper)
- Electronic form
Certified translations are done by court translators appointed in accordance with Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on Court Interpreters and Court Translators.
A document bearing the sworn translator’s clause meets the requirements of state authorities for official acts.
Certified translation in documentary form
The translation is firmly attached to the original or a certified copy and the court translator’s clause
and bears the translator’s seal and signature.
Electronic certified translation
Electronic certified translation is a full-fledged alternative to the traditional certified translation in
paper form with the same validity and authority. It is issued in PDF/A format and bears the court
translator’s qualified electronic signature with a time stamp.
The main advantage of electronic certified translations is the speed of its preparation and delivery –
everything can be handled via email.
Localisation is a process in which, in addition to the translation of the text from one language into another, the specifics and customs of the target country and/or target group are also taken into account.
Localisation is mainly used for:
- specialised terminology
- units of measure
- date and time formats
- local language, cultural and other specifics
SW localisation
CAT technologies
We use modern translation technologies called CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools in our translations. It is a sophisticated software designed for professional translators. The basic elements of the system include a translation memory, a glossary (termbase) and a quality assurance module.
The application of this software has the following benefits:
- improved quality – higher accuracy of translations, including consistent terminology in all
- translated texts
- increased work efficiency – shorter delivery times
- significant price reduction
Translation memory
When translations are performed using CAT tools, a translation memory is created during the CAT
tool-supported translation process in which all translated texts are continuously stored in so-called
translation units. If the same text appears in another text, whether identical or with minor
differences, the previous translation is automatically offered to the translator from the translation
A translation memory can also be created using previously translated texts where translation was
done without CAT tools.
In addition to a price reduction (a discount of up to 70% is offered for texts where a match with the
translation memory is found), a translation memory combined with
a glossary ensure terminological consistency of all documents translated for a given company.
For our regular customers and for larger or more technically demanding translation projects, we
create glossaries that take into account the specific terminology used in the relevant field or in the
specific company.
A glossary can be generated from an existing database provided by the company or a new one is
created in cooperation with our customer’s experts. New terms are continuously added to the
glossary during our cooperation.
CAT technologies
We use modern translation technologies
called CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools in our translations. It is a sophisticated software designed for professional translators. The basic elements of the system include a translation memory, a glossary (termbase) and a quality assurance module.
The application of this software has the following benefits:
- improved quality – higher accuracy of translations, including consistent terminology in all translated texts
- increased work efficiency – shorter delivery times
- significant price reduction
Překladová paměť
Při překladech prováděných s využitím CAT nástrojů je vytvářena překladová paměť, do níž jsou ve formě „zdrojový text-přeložený text“ průběžně ukládány veškeré překládané texty. Vyskytne-li se v nově překládaném textu shodný text, a to doslovně nebo s menšími obměnami, je z překladové paměti překladateli automaticky nabídnuto předchozí znění překladu.
Překladovou paměť lze vytvořit i z dříve přeložených texů, jejichž překlad byl vyhotoven bez použití CAT nástrojů.
Mimo snížení ceny překladu (za texty shodné s překladovou pamětí je poskytována sleva až do výše 70 %) je v kombinaci
s terminologickým slovníkem zajištěná rovněž terminologická konzistence všech překládaných dokumentů pro danou společnost.
Terminologické slovníky
Pro stálé zákazníky a u rozsáhlejších či technicky náročnějších překladů vytváříme terminologické slovníky zohledňující specifika názvosloví používaného v příslušném oboru či přímo v dané firmě.
Slovník odborné terminologie může být vytvořen buď z již existující firemní databáze, nebo, ve spolupráci s odborníky zákazníka, vytvoříme slovník nový. Terminologický slovník je v průběhu spolupráce kontinuálně doplňován dalšími výrazy.
We work with all commonly used formats. You can send us files in the following formats:
MS Office (*.RTF, *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.XLS, *.XLSX, *.PPT, *.PPTX)
Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF)
Adobe InDesign (*.INDD)
Adobe FrameMaker (*.FM)
CorelDraw (*.CDR)
Web formats (*.HTML, *.PHP, *.ASP)
XML documents (*.XML)
Drawing files in AUTODESK AutoCAD and other
We are able to process documents in other formats upon prior agreement.
We work with all commonly used formats. You can send us files in the following formats:
MS Office (*.RTF, *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.XLS, *.XLSX, *.PPT, *.PPTX)
Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF)
Adobe InDesign (*.INDD)
Adobe FrameMaker (*.FM)
CorelDraw (*.CDR)
Web formats (*.HTML, *.PHP, *.ASP)
XML documents (*.XML)
Drawing files in AUTODESK AutoCAD and other
We are able to process documents in other formats upon prior agreement.
Delivery times
Delivery times are determined on a case-by-case basis. We are flexible in terms of time, and we always strive to meet our customer’s requirements.
We can complete orders in both regular and rush delivery times, even for larger projects, by assigning multiple translators to work simultaneously on a single project.
We also offer translations completed over the weekends at the price of non-rush translations without any extra charges for regular customers.
Types of translations based on delivery times
Standard – the volume of the text to be translated is no more than 6–8 standard pages per day
Urgent – the volume of the text to be translated exceeds 8 standard pages per day
Rush – translation completed the same day or within 24 hours.
Delivery times
Delivery times are determined on a case-by-case basis. We are flexible in terms of time, and we always strive to meet our customer’s requirements.
We can complete orders in both regular and rush delivery times, even for larger projects, by assigning multiple translators to work simultaneously on a single project.
We also offer translations completed over the weekends at the price of non-rush translations without any extra charges for regular customers.
Specifikace termínů
Standardní termín – Množství překládaného textu je v rozsahu 6-8 NS/den
Spěšný termín – Množství překládaného textu je větší než 8 NS/den
Expresní termín – Překlad zhotovený v den zadání nebo do 24 hodin.
Our translators
We cooperate regularly with about 1,500 translators with different fields of expertise.
All of our translators have a degree in linguistics, university or secondary school education in the fields of technology, IT, law or economics and several years of translation experience.
The translators’ competence is tested during the initial audit in the form of a comprehensive evaluation of a test translation and a thorough check of their first several translations.
The quality of the translations is continuously monitored, including the way the translator communicates with the agency and the client, compliance with the instructions given by the agency, and meeting deadlines.
Other services
Basic check of the graphic layout comes with all translated documents.
Final graphic design can be ordered for documents that are intended for printing or other forms of presentation.
Such design can be either identical to the original, or based on the customer’s requirements, we can create new, original graphic design.
As part of our comprehensive portfolio of services, we also provide printing of documents in the required quantities, including binding and delivery.
Other services
Basic check of the graphic layout comes with all translated documents.
Final graphic design can be ordered for documents that are intended for printing or other forms of presentation. Such design can be either identical to the original, or based on the customer’s requirements, we can create new, original graphic design.
As part of our comprehensive portfolio of services, we also provide printing of documents in the required quantities, including binding and delivery.